SuperMix (1 Case/ 32 Packets) | Zija
SuperMix is a delicious, convenient powdered beverage that can be added to water for a daily dose of Moringa’s 90+ vitamins, minerals, vital proteins, antioxidants, omega oils and other benefits. Drink Life In–your body will thank you.
While the average person consumes more calories today than during any other time in history, we are still living in a nutritional famine. This dietary void is largely due to the harsh processing and manufacturing of food, which damages vital nutrients. Zija’s SuperMix utilizes the most nutrient-dense botanical on earth, Moringa oleifera, to deliver quality benefits that our body needs to be metabolically alert, manage our weight and convert calories into functional energy. SuperMix delivers maximum nutrition by combining several valuable parts of nature’s “miracle tree” in our proprietary blend. By utilizing Moringa leaves, seeds and fruit, which complement each other nutritionally, we are able to address many of today’s common nutritional pitfalls. SuperMix is Zija’s most Moringa-enriched product available, delivering substantial nutrition in a convenient and delicious form. By consuming this nutrition regularly, SuperMix can help control food cravings and allow us to feel more sustained. SuperMix Suggested Use Add one serving (1 packet) of SuperMix to 8-18 ounces of cold water, shake well, and Drink Life In every day